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Digital Billboard Advertising
Get in front of your customers like never before.

Dyna4Cast is also capable to provide the IoT development in Digital Out Of Home advertising - digital billboards for the public awareness, government campaigns, corporation campaigns, ambulance alerts, public transports estimations, nearby public toilets, weather details, traffic information, and also for commercial advertisements

Step 1

Pick Your Billboards 

Choose the Billboard you want to push your AD.

​Step 2

Choose your slot

Schedule the campaign - Decide when and where you want to run the AD, It can be months, weeks, or even days.

​Step 3

Upload Your Content

You can upload your own creative or use our Design Service.


Step 4

Launch Your Campaign

Pay and Upload the campaign - Once you're okay with the AD content. You can pay and instruct our team to upload it in all locations selected.


Our aim is to provide you with a billboard design that looks professional and meets our design requirements, all within 3 business days. In order to pull that off, we keep things simple. There are up to 2 revision rounds, and your ad can contain the following:

Main statement: 7 words or less, picture, logo

One form of contact information (website URL preferred), Color preferences




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